Bikash Pun Magar

Bikash Pun Magar


Panel Discussion – WordCamp through Leads – What, How and Why?

Speaker Type : National

Topic Category : Panel Discussion

Speaker Bio : Bikash is a dreamer, an optimist, WordPress Enthusiast, and a creative designer. He is currently working as a web designer at Nepotech Solutions and one of the active members of WordPress Bharatpur Community from it’s beginning.He started using WordPress platform back in 2013 and continuously gives the contribution to improving WordPress Community either by volunteering in several WordCamps or by conducting several WordPress Meetups and promoting WordPress all over Bharatpur city.This year, he is Lead Organizer of WordCamp Bharatpur 2019. He’s dedication and passion towards this awesome WordPress Community will definitely make this event successful.

Session Summary : Since WordCamp is happening first time in Bharatpur and many might have curiosity about what actually is WordCamp, why it is necessary to be conducted and how is being conducted in all over the world including different cities of Nepal and how we can continue conducting WordCamp in Bharatpur every year. We will discuss its importance from leads themselves and different obstacles we face while conducting and how they are solved.

Intended Audience : Everyone